
Monday, 3 February 2014

Mechanical Drawing - 31st January 2014

For this drawing day I brought in some wooden clothes pegs, hair rollers, ink, paint brushes and cocktail sticks in order to experiment with different ways of mark making.
Wooden clothes peg dipped in ink and opened and closed onto the paper. I like the simplicity of the marks and the abstract texture that it portrays.

Cocktail stick dipped in ink. I simply drew spirals on the page in different sizes to alude to the idea of knots in trees. I would have liked to overlap them more in order to make the drawing more abstract.

Hair roller and ink. I rolled a velcro hair roller in ink and rolled it across the page to make small scratchy marks on the paper. I then dabbed the end of the roller onto the page and it made semi-circles which I liked the illusion of a 3D textured surface that it gave.

The two drawings above were created by dabbing ink onto the page and using a drinking straw to blow the ink and create a line. I moved the straw from side to side in order to create a distorted line. The outcome reminds me of tree branches that are twisted and contorted which I feel links in with the theme of my current project 'Nature'.

When I poured the left over ink into the sink after the drawing day it made this pattern which reminded me of my work from the day. I could develop this into another drawing in the future.

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