Evaluation - Group Project
I believe our group has been one of the strongest - we have communicated on a daily basis to make sure there were clear tasks for each individual to carry out and there wasn't anyone sat around doing nothing. Everyone in the group had different strengths which I believe helped a great deal as everyone could concentrate on something separate, that they were strong at, and feed their ideas back to the group so that all components were cohesive. At first, I thought I might struggle to contribute to the project, with being from a textiles background rather than interior design, however, myself and Jenny created the initial colour scheme from the first ideas that the group discussed, as well as helping to choose appropriate materials to fit with industry standards. I have also enjoyed watching an idea turn into a reality through CAD and visuals, which the interiors students contributed towards mostly.
After the initial pitch to Bruntwood, they thought our designs were one of the strongest they'd seen, and they said we had considered their needs well. I believe we took a risk in developing the Blue Sky option after the interim presentation, as it would be more difficult for Bruntwood to achieve, rather than a slight rearrangement of what was currently there. However, we all felt that this was the stronger option as it catered more closely to what Bruntwood were looking for initially - more break out space. In the final pitch, Bruntwood were really interested in what myself and Jenny had produced in the way of fabric samples. They thought our group had worked together extremely well, but they had reservations about our reasons for choosing to develop the 'Blue Sky' option rather than Option 2, as this would have been an easier task. They also were slightly concerned about the new name 'Fairhurst House' as they thought this dated the building, and the interior redesigning was contemporary, which they thought didn't add up. They did however commend the group for challenging the name and attempting to change it, although it didn't quite work in the end. The group were extremely happy with the feedback given, although some of it was constructive criticism. I believe the best part of the new design was the meeting space and furniture as this is what Bruntwood initially set out to achieve through allowing us to design for them.
Model of Blue Sky option - Fairhurst House
I have found the group project highly rewarding and I have enjoyed experiencing working towards a live brief with Bruntwood. It has kept me interested throughout and I have felt motivated to work on this project, although I did feel at times it was a little too relaxed and timings were uncertain until last minute. I would like to work on an interiors project again to find out more about the industry and to gain more technical knowledge of the digital programs used such as Sketch Up and Vector Works.
I have found the group project highly rewarding and I have enjoyed experiencing working towards a live brief with Bruntwood. It has kept me interested throughout and I have felt motivated to work on this project, although I did feel at times it was a little too relaxed and timings were uncertain until last minute. I would like to work on an interiors project again to find out more about the industry and to gain more technical knowledge of the digital programs used such as Sketch Up and Vector Works.
Evaluation - Individual Project
By collaborating with Jennifer (specialises in Print) who is from a different discipline within my own course (Textiles In Practice) - I specialise in Embroidery with a Mixed Media approach, I feel we have drawn from each other's strengths. I have used the laser cutter before so I was aware of what the guidelines were, as well as what works most effectively when the laser cuts into the material. We have pushed ourselves outside of our comfort zones by not starting with colour and working towards a 3D product from the beginning to try something slightly different than what we are used to. We also have not used fabric at the beginning of the project which I thought we would find harder than we actually did. In my opinion, we have improved upon our problem solving skills, with having to alter the design of the table numerous times so it would work successfully. If we had more time, we would have ideally liked to screen print our designs onto the table to test how this would haven worked for future projects.
I think that my work experience at the Royal Exchange Theatre Workshop has helped a great deal with this project as I learned about the wood stains and varnishes used in industry. It was also helpful that I could return to the workshop to stain the table and use their facilities.
I haven't worked on a project with Jenny before, but I definitely would do again. We co-operated with each other and worked together to create the designs. I also have enjoyed working in a different way for a client, rather than for something hypothetical like we would usually do on our course. I have found this project highly rewarding and would like to work with more industrial materials alongside fabric in future projects.
Unit X Exhibition - Federation House
By collaborating with Jennifer (specialises in Print) who is from a different discipline within my own course (Textiles In Practice) - I specialise in Embroidery with a Mixed Media approach, I feel we have drawn from each other's strengths. I have used the laser cutter before so I was aware of what the guidelines were, as well as what works most effectively when the laser cuts into the material. We have pushed ourselves outside of our comfort zones by not starting with colour and working towards a 3D product from the beginning to try something slightly different than what we are used to. We also have not used fabric at the beginning of the project which I thought we would find harder than we actually did. In my opinion, we have improved upon our problem solving skills, with having to alter the design of the table numerous times so it would work successfully. If we had more time, we would have ideally liked to screen print our designs onto the table to test how this would haven worked for future projects.
I think that my work experience at the Royal Exchange Theatre Workshop has helped a great deal with this project as I learned about the wood stains and varnishes used in industry. It was also helpful that I could return to the workshop to stain the table and use their facilities.
I haven't worked on a project with Jenny before, but I definitely would do again. We co-operated with each other and worked together to create the designs. I also have enjoyed working in a different way for a client, rather than for something hypothetical like we would usually do on our course. I have found this project highly rewarding and would like to work with more industrial materials alongside fabric in future projects.
Unit X Exhibition - Federation House
I found displaying my work in the final Unit X exhibition very rewarding as I could reflect upon the hard work and determination that I have put into creating collaborative pieces both within a group and individual environment. I believe I have worked effectively throughout both projects and I have contributed equally to both, managing my time appropriately.
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